Prop Firm-vergelijking - handelaren met edge (2024)

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Prop Firm-vergelijking - handelaren met edge (1)

© 2023 - Handelaren met Edge

Alle inhoud gepubliceerd en gedistribueerd door Traders With Edge (Hong Kong) Limited en zijn dochterondernemingen mag uitsluitend als algemene informatie worden behandeld. Geen van de door Traders With Edge (Hong Kong) Limited verstrekte informatie is bedoeld als beleggingsadvies, een aanbod of uitnodiging tot een aanbod om te kopen of verkopen, of een aanbeveling, goedkeuring of sponsoring van een effect, bedrijf of fonds.

Alle informatie op de Traders With Edge-website, sociale media of andere sites van derden met betrekking tot Traders With Edge, wordt op eigen risico gebruikt en Traders With Edge aanvaardt geen verantwoordelijkheid of aansprakelijkheid voor enig gebruik of misbruik van dergelijke informatie.

Handelen op de financiële markten is een activiteit met een hoog risico en er wordt geadviseerd om niet meer te riskeren dan men zich kan veroorloven te verliezen. Traders With Edge (Hong Kong) Limited houdt geen rekening met uw persoonlijke financiële situatie. Als u financieel advies nodig heeft, is het raadzaam om met een financieel adviseur of een erkende professional te praten.

Traders With Edge (Hong Kong) Limited is geen makelaar, accepteert geen deposito's voor makelaars en biedt geen beleggingsdiensten aan. Traders With Edge (Hong Kong) Limited treedt niet op als bewaarder en levert geen diensten als bewaarder. Aankopen van programma's mogen niet als stortingen worden beschouwd. Alle programmakosten worden gebruikt voor operationele kosten, inclusief maar niet beperkt tot personeels-, technologie- en andere bedrijfsgerelateerde uitgaven.

Traders With Edge (Hong Kong) Limited opereert vanaf RM 2103 Futura Plaza 111, How Ming St Kwun Tong, Hong Kong, hoewel het geen inwoners uit Hong Kong, Australië, Cuba, Iran, Noord-Korea, Soedan of Syrië accepteert.

Deze website maakt geen deel uit van de Facebook-website of Facebook Inc. Bovendien wordt deze site op geen enkele manier door Facebook onderschreven. Facebook is een handelsmerk van Facebook, Inc. Volledige details over de wettelijke voorwaarden en het beleid van Facebook zijn beschikbaar op hun website. Facebook is een handelsmerk van Facebook, Inc.

We gebruiken Google remarketingpixels/cookies op deze site om opnieuw te communiceren met mensen die onze site bezoeken en ervoor te zorgen dat we ze in de toekomst kunnen bereiken met relevante berichten en informatie. Google geeft onze advertenties weer op sites van derden op internet om onze boodschap over te brengen en de juiste mensen te bereiken die in het verleden interesse hebben getoond in onze informatie.

Prop Firm-vergelijking - handelaren met edge (2024)


How do you pass prop firm evaluations? ›

One of the most crucial aspects of passing a prop firm challenge is having a well-defined trading strategy. A trading strategy is a set of rules that guide your decision-making process in the market. It includes entry and exit criteria, risk management rules, and trade management techniques.

How many people actually pass prop firm challenges? ›

The article from Lux Trading Firm provides slightly different results. According to it, 4% of traders, on average, pass prop firm challenges. But only 1% of traders kept their funded accounts for a reasonable amount of time.

Is it easy to pass prop firm challenges? ›

Becoming a funded trader in prop firms is not an easy task. Prop trading firms only want the best traders who can bring about the best returns under a very short loss leash. In other words, not only do you have to achieve profit, you have to make a profit consistently.

What prop firm has the fastest payout? ›

Fastest Industry Payouts – MyFundedFutures has the fastest payouts in the futures prop trading space which has become more and more important with some of the other futures prop trading firms taking weeks to payout.

What is the success rate of prop firms? ›

From the above statistics gathered from reputable and trusted sources, we can conclude that the success rate of prop traders is under 5%.

What is the best prop firm strategy? ›

Successful prop trading strategies are built on technical analysis, risk management, adaptability, and leverage a mix of approaches including merger arbitrage, index arbitrage, and volatility arbitrage, among others.

What percent of people fail prop firm challenges? ›

This means approximately 90% of those who attempt the challenge end up failing. A major reason such a high percentage fail is because of the strict trading rules and conditions imposed during the evaluation.

What is the fail rate for FTMO? ›

There is estimated to be a 90% fail rate of traders that take the FTMO challenge. The reason behind this is due to traders chasing the profit target with a time restriction in place. A trader doesnt know when a winning streak might occur, or when they may take a string of drawdowns.

Why do people fail prop firm challenges? ›

The most common reasons traders fail prop firm challenges are simply overleveraging their trades, not understanding the rules, and not having a profitable trading strategy.

What happen if you pass prop firm challenge? ›

Upon successfully passing a Prop Firm Challenge, traders may be required to fund their trading accounts with an initial amount. The firm may also have scaling plans that determine how much capital traders can access based on their performance. Understanding these conditions is vital for your success in the challenge.

What happens if you lose a prop firm challenge? ›

You usually will not owe anything if you lose a prop firm's funds. When you trade with a prop firm, you are risking the fee you pay to attempt the challenge or open the account, while the firm risks the capital they have provided you to trade.

What happens when you pass a funded challenge? ›

After you pass all the Trading Objectives in your FTMO Challenge, you will see a notification in your Account MetriX informing you about your success, and you won't need to trade the account anymore as your Trading Objectives are marked as passed.

Which is the most trusted prop firm? ›

Best Prop Trading Firms 2024 - Reviewed by Experts
  1. Topstep: A Leader in Trading Innovation. ...
  2. The 5%ers: Forex Trading with a Twist. ...
  3. Earn2Trade: Empowering Aspiring Traders. ...
  4. SurgeTrader: A Gateway to Diverse Trading Assets. ...
  5. FTMO: Stringent Yet Rewarding. ...
  6. E8 Funding: Innovative and Flexible.
Feb 2, 2024

Why is FTMO banned in US? ›

FTMO have now restricted access to all new US-based traders as of January 2024. This appears to be related to regulatory issues and may have something to do with the recent My Forex Funds case.

What is the cheapest prop firm? ›

Best cheap forex prop firms
  • FTMO: evaluations starting at $399.
  • TopStepTrader: Challenges starting at $375.
  • T4tCapital: Flexible evaluation options starting at $299.
  • Funded Trading Plus: Starting at $25.
  • Earn2Trade: $99 Mini challenge.
  • True Trading Group: $49 evaluation with a $25,000 virtual account.
Feb 27, 2024

How does prop firm evaluation work? ›

Most prop firms implement a structured evaluation process designed to assess a trader's aptitude and potential. This process often includes a demo trading phase where prospective traders showcase their skill in a simulated environment.

How do you pass the funded challenge? ›

The five steps towards funded account challenge success
  1. Ensure your own readiness. ...
  2. Purposely adapt your trading strategy. ...
  3. Researching and signing up. ...
  4. Set up your trading environment and polish off your strategy. ...
  5. Start trading and stick to the rules.

How long does it take to pass prop firm challenge? ›

In Summary – How Long Does It Take To Become A Funded Trader? In conclusion, it can take around 4-5 months to pass a prop firm trading challenge and become a funded trader. However, it can take much longer than that to become a profitable trader beforehand – which is a necessity.

How do you pass the Funded Next Challenge? ›

Traders are required to complete several trading objectives to pass the funding challenge for example, maintaining the drawdown limit, completing the profit target etc. If one of them is violated during the assessment, trader cannot proceed further and they lose their account.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.