What should you pay attention to when customizing neon signs? (2024)

1), The Color of Neon Signs

Visual Impact: The primary function of neon signs is to attract attention. For visual impact, color is the most crucial factor. Typically, a neon sign with only one color in its tubes can easily lead to aesthetic fatigue. In contrast, a neon sign that includes multiple color combinations, not referring to the color-changing feature but multiple colors within its design elements, creates a strong artistic effect and visual impact with vivid color contrasts and simple graphic designs. This enduring appeal is noteworthy as neon signs are not just advertising tools but also a form of visual art, where aesthetic value is paramount. It's a testament to their design that classic neon signs frequently exhibit this trait, retaining their allure through varied color use over time.

• Are there exceptions? Yes. In the visual art of neon, for single-line texts such as classic quotes, sayings, or lyrics, using one color achieves the best visual effect because it ensures clarity at different viewing distances. A single-color neon text sentence can express one's values more strongly, conveying a more personal statement and outcry.

• Which colors of neon tubes have the best visual appeal? In such quote-based neon signs, only white, golden yellow, red, and green are most suitable for single-color neon texts. Other colors can also lead to aesthetic fatigue. An artwork's most crucial characteristic is to provide lasting aesthetic value, especially in visual art, where color choice is a critical factor. Note, for just a name, word, or short phrase, mixed colors are still recommended. If it's a name, each letter could be in different colors of neon tubes. If it's a phrase, then each word in different colors. In summary, unless it's a long sentence, the visual effect of single-color words and short phrases still leads to aesthetic fatigue.

• What are the best color combinations for mixed colors? For 2-color combinations, the best pairings are turquoise and hot pink, white and red, yellow and red, ice blue and tomato, green and tomato. For combinations of 3 or more colors, adding any color to the best two-color combinations works well.

• Is the color-changing feature practical? One reason not to recommend the color-changing feature is that it's only suitable for single-color neon signs, not mixed-color ones, and single-color neon signs can easily lead to aesthetic fatigue, failing to provide lasting aesthetic and emotional value. Another crucial reason is that the implementation of the color-changing feature involves soldering four white wires between tubes for remote-controlled color changing, as opposed to a single transparent thin line needed for standard neon signs. This increases the soldering points threefold, posing risks to the lifespan and reducing the durability of the neon sign.

What should you pay attention to when customizing neon signs? (1)

2), The Size of Neon Signs

Optimal Size: The best size for a neon sign depends on its installation location. For indoor environments, neon text signs smaller than 24 inches lack aesthetic appeal. Text signs installed above beds are not optimal if smaller than 40 inches. For neon logos, those smaller than 20 inches cannot accurately replicate the logo's design, as complex designs are hard to recognize at small sizes.

What should you pay attention to when customizing neon signs? (2)

3), The Shape of the Backplate for Neon Signs:

The shape of the backplate is a crucial design detail that not only determines the visual presentation of the neon sign but also is the core of the overall design sensibility, especially when the neon sign is off. The shape of the backplate affects the product's aesthetics.

• Cut to Shape: Backplates cut according to the overall outline of the neon, with this type lacking a specific shape, being random lines without adhering to an aesthetic concept. For Script fonts or neon signs with multiple lines of text, this backplate shape might seem unattractive, unable to conceal the lack of aesthetic appeal even when lit.

• Cut into Rectangles, Squares, or Circles: Choosing backplates cut into geometric shapes like rectangles, squares, circles, or hearts suits Monospaced fonts. Geometric-shaped backplates are suitable for spaces pursuing a minimalist style. However, for Script fonts or logos, the extra space on the backplate can make the overall design look cumbersome.

• Cut into Letters or Logo Shapes: This design approach involves precisely cutting the backplate into the shape of the neon's letters or pattern, rather than the overall outline or standard geometric shapes. The advantage is that it minimizes the visible area of the backplate, focusing on the design of the letters or the neon itself with almost no unnecessary background interference. This method is especially suited for those who wish for the neon to seamlessly blend with the background or pursue a minimalist design style.

No Backplate Design: The no-backing-board design adopts a minimalist approach, cutting the back of the neon tubes to the same size as the tubes themselves, displaying only about a 6-8mm diameter of the neon tube without any backplate, but leaving 3mm mounting holes at both ends for installation on walls or other backgrounds. This design significantly reduces visual interference, focusing entirely on the color and brightness of the neon, creating a floating light effect in the space. The no-backing-board design is particularly suitable for modern, industrial, or minimalist interior decorations, highlighting the neon's artistic and decorative effects while maintaining the space's transparency and simplicity.

#CustomNeonSigns #NeonSignColors #VisualImpactNeon #NeonSignDesign #OptimalNeonSize #NeonSignBackplateDesign #MixedColorNeon #SingleColorNeon #NeonSignAesthetics #MinimalistNeonLighting


What should you pay attention to when customizing neon signs? (2024)


What should you pay attention to when customizing neon signs? ›

Keep it clean

Just remember that before you start cleaning, you need to unplug your neon sign, or you could be at risk of a shock. To remove any visible dust, you are best to remove the sign from the wall and lay it on a flat surface, before wiping with a dry duster or microfibre cloth.

What is needed to make neon signs? ›

What You'll Need:
  • LED neon flex lights in your desired color.
  • Zip ties.
  • Shaping wire.
  • Plastic wire clips.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Power source.
  • Backing material (clear acrylic, wood, etc.)

How to care for a neon sign? ›

Keep it clean

Just remember that before you start cleaning, you need to unplug your neon sign, or you could be at risk of a shock. To remove any visible dust, you are best to remove the sign from the wall and lay it on a flat surface, before wiping with a dry duster or microfibre cloth.

What is the average cost of a custom neon sign? ›

As a general rule, a 1-foot neon sign can cost anywhere from $100 to $200, depending on the complexity of the design and the colors used.

Why are custom neon signs so expensive? ›

Neon customizable sign with distinctive forms, colors, and other artistic components takes more time. Therefore, they will cost more money to buy and require more labor. Plus, it's less expensive to build if you choose an easy-to-manufacture or pre-made design.

How long do custom neon signs last? ›

Generally, neon light signs can easily last about eight to fifteen years when taken appropriate care of. However, the longevity of neon signs depends on several factors, such as usage, quality of the materials, external damages, and more.

Why neon signs are no longer popular? ›

Due to the safety concerns, inefficiency, and expense, the popularity of neon signage has waned over the years in favor of incandescent and LED signs. LED is now the primary source of lighting in illuminated signage as it is the most efficient. Manufacturers also use LED in faux-neon signs and design elements.

Are neon signs expensive to run? ›

Some people may think that neon signs use a lot of electricity because they can be quite bright and flashy for their size. But they actually use less electricity than most other lights. Neon signs typically last for 10-30 years so they save on expensive maintenance costs and energy bills over time.

Should I leave my neon sign on 24 7? ›

Avoid unplugging it: While it may seem counter-intuitive, continuously unplugging your neon sign can cause more wear and tear on the transformer. It is advisable to switch it off when not in use or during cleaning to extend the lifespan of the neon gas. However, keep it plugged in to minimize stress on the transformer.

What was the most expensive neon sign ever sold? ›

An Upstate auction house has set another world record with the sale of a valuable neon sign from the 1950s. In February, Richmond Auctions in Greenville says their Orange Crush sign sold for $189,750, making it the most expensive soda sign ever bought at auction.

Do neon signs use a lot of electricity? ›

Neon signs are a relatively energy-efficient option if you're looking for a high-impact and stylish light fixture and they are safe to use in homes and businesses. The typical neon light's power consumption is 400 watts, compared to LED lights at 150 watts and fluorescent lights at 610 watts.

How can you tell if a neon sign is real? ›

Traditional neon signs are called so because they use neon, or argon, gas to create the bright colour. Genuine neon signs give off an inimitable glow, created by pumping glass constructions with the right gas depending on the final colour of the sign.

What is required for a neon sign? ›

Nowadays, this item is commonly referred to as neon light, and for small indicator lights, a direct current voltage between 60 and 100 volts is needed for the gas to display various colors. For large retail displays, the required voltage is significantly higher, ranging between 2000 and 15,000 volts.

What are the disadvantages of neon signs? ›

Cons to Neon lighting for signs:
  • They output very little light for amount of power required.
  • Limited colors available based on gas and glass color configurations.
  • The glass tubes can be fragile.
  • Generally only one color can be used at a time.
  • Very high maintenance costs.
  • One small crack and the entire piece is broken.

Is it expensive to run a neon sign? ›

Don't unplug it

Neon is a very efficient form of lighting. The average cost of operating a neon sign 24 hours a day is around 20 cents a day, or less than the cost of running a 75-watt light.

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